A disturbing video has surfaced online, showing a woman tearfully displaying her swollen face after being physically assaulted by her husband.

The woman claimed that her husband attacked her because she wore a singlet to drop off their child at school, which he deemed an “indecent” outfit.
According to the woman, her husband’s anger stemmed from his perception of her exposure.
The video has sparked widespread reactions on social media, with users condemning the act of domestic violence and debating societal perceptions of decency.
Many people have expressed outrage over the husband’s actions, calling for justice and intervention from authorities.
@abebi_omotanwa shared a personal experience, saying, “When my sister’s husband beat her, my brothers went to their house and beat him. After that, they settled it, and since then, he never raised his hand to beat my sister again.”
Others have highlighted the need to address issues of control and abuse in marriages, as well as societal pressures on women’s appearances.
@olayemi_alaga commented, “Why will you wear singlet, naso it dey take start. All the same, dress proper next time, sorry.”
The video has raised important questions about domestic violence, control, and societal expectations.
As one user pointed out, “This is not just about the husband’s actions, but also about the societal pressures that lead to such behavior.”
Watch the video below to see the woman’s account of the incident.