Actor Van Vicker celebrated his 21st wedding anniversary with wife Adjoa, reflecting on their journey and sharing valuable marriage tips. He described marriage as “a bed of thorny roses” with both lovely and trying times, emphasizing the importance of “the will” between couples. For Van Vicker, three key elements have made his union successful: marrying the right person, staying in love, and desiring to stay married.

He gratefully acknowledged his wife’s presence in his life for 30 years and expressed no regrets about their commitment. “Love is still a beautiful thing, despite life’s prickly moments,” Van Vicker said, praying for continued grace to navigate marriage’s challenges.
Van Vicker’s heartfelt message inspired fans, showcasing the beauty of enduring love and commitment. His anniversary wish, “Happy anniversary to us!” was met with warm felicitations from admirers, celebrating the couple’s 21-year milestone.