Blessing CEO, a well-known relationship expert and social media influencer, recently shared a video on Instagram where she highlighted certain behaviors that make men “red flags” in relationships.

She urged women to pay attention to these signs to avoid ending up in toxic marriages. Her video struck a chord with many, as she humorously mentioned that some women might end up marrying a man who behaves more like a fellow woman, referring to men who lack accountability or empathy in relationships.
Blessing CEO, who has a significant following on Instagram and YouTube, is known for her candid advice on relationships, especially for women navigating love and marriage. Having experienced a tumultuous early marriage herself, she often speaks out against domestic abuse and encourages women to recognize harmful traits in partners early on.

In her recent video, she emphasized the importance of recognizing when a man shows behaviors like lack of respect, emotional manipulation, or selfish tendencies. These, according to her, are red flags that should not be ignored.

Blessing CEO’s advice often resonates with women, particularly those dealing with relationship struggles, as she blends humor with hard truths. For women looking to avoid “marrying the wrong man,” her insights provide valuable guidance.